I am a software developer of web and mobile applications. I have main experience in Java, Spring framework, and the Android platform. I also have some experience with iOS development. Currently i am learning and experimenting with Node.js, I am particularly keen on getting best performance while optimizing resource usage
  • Android
  • Spring
  • iOS
  • Node.js/Javascript/Mean/Css
  • Other
details [ android ] [ spring ] [ iOS ] [ nodejs ] [ other ]
  • Developed a vast array of Android apps ranging from Lifestyle, News/Current affairs, Data collection, Multimedia Streaming and Games applications. Dealt with both hardware and software challenges e.g supporting devices from multiple manufactures and different API levels
  • Build several enterprise projects with Spring framework
  • Worked on an iOS music streaming app
  • Currently experimenting and building some stuff with Node particularly keen on its async. nature and limited resource usage
  • Collection of other misc. stuff
technologies [ android ] [ spring ] [ iOS ] [ nodejs ] [ other ]
  • Instrumented tests ( Espresso, Roboletric )
  • Dagger
  • Retrofit
  • ButterKnife
  • Design Patterns
  • Cordova
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Integration
  • Spring Batch / Batch Admin
  • Spring Security
  • Ant, Maven, Gradle
  • Apache velocity, JSP, Apache Tiles
  • MyBatis, Hibernate
  • JUnit, TestNG, EasyMock
  • Objective C
  • CoreData
  • AFNetworking
  • MEAN
  • Grunt, Gulp
  • Backbone
  • Handlebars
  • Css
  • Casperjs, Phantomjs
  • CI ( Bamboo, Travis )
  • Git, SVN
  • Docker